What We Will Provide on Our Tours

A pair of binoculars for each participant to borrow (if needed)
A spotting scope (for use at particular tour locations only)
Small snacks and bottled water
A post-trip report describing highlights of the tour (and including a few photos, where possible)

DCbird Terms & Conditions (Updated November 2023)

There are risks inherent in participation on any DCbird tour.  We cannot remove risks to participants and, accordingly, you participate at your own risk.  Our tours take place in areas that are simultaneously natural and urban, and hazards from both types of environments do exist.  DCbird shall not be liable for any loss incurred by participants that occurs before, during, or after the tour, including, but not limited to, loss due to theft, damage to equipment, or injury of any type.

This is a wildlife watching tour. Wild animals, including birds, are unpredictable and we cannot guarantee sightings. We reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary that we think will improve the trip, both before the trip and during.

To avoid possibly dangerous situations, both for our participants and wildlife, it is extremely important that all participants obey the rules and regulations set forth by the DCbird tour leader and/or local authorities (such as the National Park Service while participating on a tour in a National Park area).  DCbird reserves the right to prohibit any participants from continuing on a tour if, in our opinion, a participant’s actions pose a threat to the safety of themselves, others, or to the wildlife, or if a participant’s actions or behaviors are seriously jeopardizing the enjoyment of the trip for others.

As a participant on this tour, you (and your participating dependents) understand and agree to abide by the ethical birding principles (including ethical wildlife photography principles) as described on the American Birding Association Code of Birding Ethics website and Audubon’s Guide to Ethical Bird Photography and Videography. Please also note that the use of playback and/or audio recordings to attract birds is prohibited on all DCbird tours.  Participants engaging in any behavior deemed contrary to the ethical birding principles will be warned; if the behavior continues, DCbird reserves the right to end the tour early without refund to the offending party.

You understand and agree that you are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times while on the tour and to obey all applicable laws while participating in the tour.  This includes, generally, respect for other people, wildlife, equipment, facilities, and/or property. 

The tour for which you are registering may be physically challenging and pose a risk of discomfort, illness, injury, and even death.  It is your responsibility to ensure that you and any of your participating dependents are in sufficient physical condition to participate in the tour without risk to your or their health or life.  We do not conduct health or fitness checks on participants.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be made in writing by email to [email protected].  If you cancel at least 30 days prior to the tour date, you will receive a full refund less a 10% processing fee. If you cancel less than 30 days but more than two weeks prior to the tour date, you will receive a 50% refund.  Cancellations made within two weeks of the tour date are not refundable, as the short notice severely impacts our ability to fill tour slots. DCbird reserves the right to change these conditions for certain trips, including but not limited to custom tours, which will be described in writing to the client at or before the time of booking. No-shows will receive no refund.  If DCbird must cancel the trip for any reason, you will receive a full refund.  DCbird tours take place rain or shine and cancellations are rare; however, DCbird reserves the right to cancel a trip for any reason, including, but not limited to, extreme weather conditions.